Blueberry Herbasol® Extract PG, unpreserved, system 3 - 400242.35.2


Grows abundantly in mountainous districts. A small branched shrub with wiry, angular branches, rarely over 20 cm heigh, bearing globular wax-like flowers and blue berries. The fruit is globular with a flat top, about the size of a black currant.

INCI name: Propylene Glycol, Aqua, Plant Extract, Sorbitol

Codice: CosC167
Aspetto: Liquido
Solubilità: Completamente miscibile
Origine: Naturale
Provenienza: Alps, Asia, Europe, Mountains
Tipologia: Estratti
Rivitalizzante, Rigenerante
Anti invecchiamento, effetto lifting
Attivatore del microcircolo